Houghton Masjid (West Street) Jummah Arrangements
As per the presidential directive & after much deliberation on the logistical challenges that we will have at the Masjid on Friday for Jumuah, we encourage local brothers to host short Jumuah Khutbah & Salaah in groups no larger than 100 people at the respective homes & businesses.
This will help with logistic challenges at the masjid. Under the present restrictions and circumstances and complying with government regulations, Houghton Masjid (West Street) will not be able to accommodate the normal Jum’uah gathering.
Kindly make alternate arrangements.
At the Masjid and the Jamaat Khana :
– Wudhu & Bathroom Facities will be closed
– Please bring your own Musallahs
– All bothers with flu like symptoms or who are ill should avoid the masjid
– Only the Fardh Salaah will be performed in the Masjid. Sunnah & Nafl should be performed at home.
– Limited to 100 Brothers per venue at the following 3 Times :
– 12:30pm
– 1:30pm
– 2:30pm
No.67 4th Street, Houghton
Athaan: 12:30
Salaah: 12:45
Contact: Uwais 0728024065
4 cotsworld drive
Azaan 12.35
JAVED – +27 (83) 222-9103
1 Cecile Road, Norwood
1 Jamaat – 35 mussallees maximum
12h45 – Jamaat Khutbah
Corner 7th Avenue & 3rdStreet, Houghton
1 Jamaat – 75 mussallees maximum
12h45 – Jamaat Khutbah
41A First Avenue, Houghton
1 Jamaat – 75 mussallees maximum
12h45 – Jamaat Khutbah
EAGLE CREEK (residents only)
Aronia Spa
9 eleventh Avenue houghton
50 People
Sameer : +27 82 412 0732
Khutbah : 1:00pm
No.10 17th Ave, Houghton
Athaan: 13:00
Salaah: 13:15
Contact: Arshad 0728321174
All brothers to please make Wudhu before and bring their own Musallah
Is there jummah prayers?