Daily Broadcast Programme during COVID-19 Restrictions
As salamu alaykum wa Rahmatullah
Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Quran:
ما اصاب من مصيبة الا بأذن الله – ومن يؤمن بالله يهد قلبه – والله بكل شيءٍ عليم ٠
‘No misfortune afflicts you except with the will of Allah…. And whoever believes in Allah, He guides his heart and Allah has knowledge of all things.’
The masjid is the spiritual heart and focal point of our community. Unfortunately, due to precautions against the Corona virus, we are unable to benefit as a community from this boon and Favour of Allah Ta’ala, albeit temporarily in sha Allah.
We implore all our community members to turn to Allah Ta’ala in repentance and abundant dua for Him to grant us safety from the present pandemic and also all types of physical and spiritual diseases.
For this reason the Masjid Imams will be conducting short programs of advices and collective dua with the intention of keeping our children and ourselves spiritually attached to the masjid and also to beseech Allah’s help during these trying times.
The programs will commence half hour before esha on Mondays , Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursday’s zikr will take place after esha Salah.
We request families to note these times and via the Masjid receiver, benefit from these programs.
Daily Broadcast Programme during COVID-19 Restrictions
Radio Bilal Receivers Channel 9 ONLINE STREAMING https://t.co/yMGfsSJxtUhttps://t.co/K5Bn1zhXLW pic.twitter.com/CYxK4LXf5G
— Houghton Masjid (@HoughtonMasjid) March 17, 2020
SubhanAllah… Our Iman requests if us to increase our attachment to the Musjid in this time of anxiety… Surely Allah (swt) knows best… The Ummah must come out stronger and show its humanity in this challenging times…
It is not advisable to have such collective quran’s. Our ulama have great discouraged from doing so. Some ulama have gone as far as stating it has bid’ah. You can and you should encourage people to read the quran however such quran khatams that you are conducting is not permissible