Respected Congregants : COVID-19 Guidelines

As Salāmu Alaikum,
Respected Congregants
COVID-19 Guidelines
In the consideration of public welfare in light of the spread of COVID-19 and the need for all segments of the country to cooperate to combat this disease and halt its dissemination, we would like our local community to:
  1. strictly adhere to all public health directives and regulations provided by the dedicated state agencies
  2. take all necessary measures to prevent the transmission and spread of the illness.
  3. It is necessary according to Sharī’ah to adhere to such directives and measures under any circumstances
  4. It is forbidden by Sharī’ah for anyone infected with this illness to enter public places or go to the mosque for all congregational prayers, including Friday prayers and the Eid prayers.
  5. It is an obligation for such a person to take all necessary precautions as outlined by medical authorities, such as observing quarantine and adhering to any prescribed treatment. This is so that one does not transmit the illness to others.
  6. It is also a request to those displaying apparent symptoms such as dry coughs etc to be cognizant of this as not to inconvenience or cause panic to other congregants.
  7. It is also requested that we resort to the verbal Islamic greeting and Salām rather than shaking hands and not to take offense if a person does not extend his hand for greeting.
If you have a recent travel history or having come into contact with any sick persons that may be infected with Covid-19 or have any symptoms to suggest any respiratory infections, please call the national Covid-19 hotline on 0800 029 999, consider a self quarantine till medically cleared and refrain from joining congregational prayers in the Masjid.
Congregants are advised to make wudhu at home and bring their own prayer mats. These directives have sound religious and historic basis which can be referenced with our local ‘Ulamā.
Our Masjid will provide hand sanitizers at the entrances. Please make use of these.
Houghton Masjid, West Street

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